
The curator of C-LAB and the former Editor in Chief of Artist Magazine. CHUANG Wei-Tzu has been highly interested in the diversity of contemporary art in Taiwan. Her research focuses on the change of artistic ideas and technology rendered in the exhibition and performance, as well as the gender issues in art history. Her recent curatorial projects are “Display on Live” in C-LAB annual exhibition Re: Play (2020), Project: The Folly (2021, nominated for the 20th Taishin Arts Award), (De)phallocentrism (2022) and The Unrestricted Society(2022).

臺灣當代文化實驗場策展人,前《藝術家》雜誌總編輯。長期關注臺灣當代藝術發展,主要研究領域為藝術觀念及其展演技術的變貌,以及藝術史中的性別議題。近年策畫之展覽為「Re:Play:操/演現場」(2020,「展演現場」單元)、「勒法利計畫」(2021,入圍第20屆台新藝術獎)、「背陽——情慾伏流及其隱現」(2022,第21屆台新藝術獎第二季提名),以及「超限社會」(2022,第21屆台新藝術獎第四季提名)、「Signal Z」等。