The Unrestricted Society|超限社會

Venue: Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab (C-LAB)|臺灣當代文化實驗場
Date: 2022.9.24 – 11.27

CHUANG Wei-Tzu|莊偉慈

Memo Akten|米莫.艾克滕
Kyriaki Goni|奇里亞姬.戈妮
Hsien-Yu CHENG|鄭先喻
Paolo Cirio|保羅.奇里奧
SLITSCOPE (Kim Jae-min & Kim KeunHyoung)|雙縫鏡(金制民&金根瑩)
Theresa Schubert|泰瑞莎.舒柏特
Halsey Burgund & Francesca Panetta|哈爾西.布根地 & 法蘭西絲卡.帕內塔
CHEN Yi|陳乂
Unhappy Circuit|哀傷電路
CHANG Yung-Ta|張永達
Her Lab Space (AU Sow Yee, CHEN Yow Ruu)|她的實驗室空間集(區秀詒、陳侑汝)

The concept of “unrestricted”5 applied in this exhibition not only symbolizes the idealization and sacralization of technology or even the phenomenon that people see technology as the saviour and stop at nothing to make technological advances, but also refers to the transgression and overflow of technology in the legal and ethical spheres. Such optimism has induced the qualitative change and uncontrollability of the intermediary role of technology in various relations like those between artificial intelligence and humanity or between government and people, and the accelerated development of technology inflames the situation. In the exhibition The Unrestricted Society, the artists probe into the issues and dilemmas surrounding technological development from different perspectives, such as the way we view digital privacy in the sense of “we are the data,” potential problems with digital surveillance, facial recognition and deepfakes, as well as looking at possible options for alleviating food crises through cloning. Besides, given the intermediary role of technology, the works featured in this exhibition reveal the artists’ attempt at transdisciplinary collaboration. They employ new technologies to explore how artistic concepts can transmute abstract data or contents, insofar as to create unprecedented sensory experiences.
Technology has always been deemed a tool to liberate the human race. However, we may wonder whether the liberation it created is genuine freedom or all an illusion. The exhibition The Unrestricted Society will provide the visitors with an alternative way of understanding technology.

在展覽中所引用的「超限」 概念,不只是象徵著人將技術理想化與神聖化,乃至於相信技術能救世而不擇手段追求進步,更指涉科技技術在法律及倫理範疇的越界和溢出狀態。這種樂觀,使得技術在「人工智慧-人類」、「政府-人民」等各式關係的中介角色,隨著其加速發展而產生質變與不可控。「超限社會」一展中,藝術家從不同角度探討科技發展所產生的問題與困境:比如「我們即數據」意義下該如何看待數位隱私權;思索數位監控、臉部辨識以及深偽技術可能帶來的問題;或運用細胞複製技術思考糧食危機的可能選項等。除此之外,站在技術具有中介角色的特質上,展覽中的作品也可看到藝術家嘗試跨領域協作,運用新技術探索藝術觀念能如何轉化抽象的資料或內容,進而創造出新的感官體驗。


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